Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Blackberry Creek! Check out the different ways you can help below.
Committed Volunteers
Community Volunteer Days
Group Service Projoects​
Choose a way to volunteer below!

Our regular volunteers are hard-working individuals who come weekly or bi-weekly to feed animals, muck stalls, clean coops, rake pastures, clear invasive plants, perform health checks and do any number of other tasks. Good physical fitness, reliable transportation, and the ability to work in the heat and the cold (including rain and snow) are essential, and volunteers must be able to lift at least 50lbs, be vaccinated against COVID-19, and be comfortable working around large animals. We ask that volunteers commit to a minimum of six months of weekly or bi-weekly service. Volunteers must sign a liability waiver and be 18 years or older.
Accessible Options: If you believe that you have limitations that would keep you from meeting the requirements above, we also have additional volunteer opportunities such as filling hay nets, handling produce for the animals, and more. Please indicate this option in your application if this is better for your needs.
If you meet the qualifications and are ready to sign up, apply below!

Community volunteer days are offered several times a year and provide a variety of projects for all ability levels. This is a great volunteer opportunity for people who do not meet the age or physical requirements for our weekly volunteers. The next family volunteer day is on October 14, 2023, from 12pm - 4pm. More volunteer days will be added to our events calendar when a new date becomes available.
We offer planned group service opportunities for:
Girl Scouts/Boy Scouts (including Eagle Scout projects)
Youth Groups
Homeschool Groups
Community Partner Organizations
and More!
Contact us at info@blackberrycreek.org to plan your group service project.